Domestic Abuse and Harassment

Being in a violent or abusive relationship can make you feel threatened, trapped and isolated because no one understands what you’re going through. Recognising it is one thing, but taking action can be daunting. However, it’s important not to deal with this on your own and seeking professional help is the first step to resolving the situation.

BRR Law, based in Scunthorpe’s Laneham Street, has a large Family Law department that specialises in domestic violence and has an excellent reputation for handling client cases successfully.

We Understand The Effects Of Domestic Violence

At BRR Law, we understand the feelings and concerns you have and make it our priority to support you through this difficult time.

Domestic abuse can take many forms, but whether it’s physical or psychological, it is unacceptable and no one should ever be made to feel scared or threatened in their own home. But we know that simply walking away from a violent partner isn’t always an option – particularly if children are involved or you don’t have access to your own finances. In some cases you may be entitled to legal aid, as your partner’s income is not taken into account.

Here To Bring You Out of the Darkness

It’s vital to talk to someone you trust in complete confidence – a legal expert who can provide sympathetic, but practical advice.  We work quickly to understand your unique situation and make your safety our priority. If you are in immediate danger we can take swift action and, where necessary, obtain court orders to protect you and your family from the abusive partner.

We’ll discuss your options and your preferred outcome, while explaining the ways in which the law can protect you from domestic violence. We can also put you in touch with a range of organisations that can provide additional support. We’ll keep you informed at every stage, taking the right legal steps to protect you and your family.

Annie Mitchell is a qualified Fellow of the Institute of Legal Executives with over 25 years legal experience.  She understands it can be hard to identify issues and work out solutions, without proper advice.  She also has experience in care proceedings and appears regularly at the local County and Family Proceedings Court.

“In a relationship, abuse is not just physical. We are here to help and to put a stop to any form of abuse. Come talk to us, the team is committed and Legal Aid may be available to help with legal fees.”

Annie Mitchell
Legal Executive

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    Wadsworth House
    30-40 Laneham Street
    North Lincolnshire
    DN15 6PB


    01724 854000
