I was originally appointed as IT Support Officer for BRR Law in January of 2017 but as of July 2019 now hold the title of IT Manager.
With a little over a decade of industry experience now under my belt I have built up a broad spectrum of IT skills making me well placed as the kind of generalist required in a department of one.
IT is very much the backbone of any modern business and, with this in mind, BRR Law strive to ensure that all departments continue to integrate seamlessly.
It’s only with the most effective infrastructure in place that we can continue to succeed and remain one step ahead of the competition.
I’m therefore responsible for not only maintaining all of our IT systems, but also exploring new and evolving technologies which may serve to enhance the level of service we can offer our clients.
BRR Law is committed to the highest standards of client care, ensuring that you have the best possible customer experience when you come to us – and that you’ll also want to keep coming back.
Prior to my time at BRR Law I’ve been fortunate to have worked in multiple business sectors including provision of IT services, retail and even food manufacturing.
Having been both an end user and member of IT staffing since joining the work force I can see things from both perspectives which I believe helps me perform well within my current role.
In my spare time I enjoy 8-bit computing (think the C64 and ZX Spectrum), playing around with Artificial Intelligence, reading and days out with my Wife and two children.
Along with other IT Pros that I know of, coffee also features heavily in both my personal and work life!